News list for " christodoulos"

European Central Bank Governing Council Patsalides warns that Trump's tariff plan could lead to stagflation in Europe

The European economy could end up in stagflation if US president-elect Donald Trump follows through on his threats of trade tariffs, European Central Bank governing board member Christodoulos Patsalides has warned. "Trade tensions are rising," the Cypriot central bank governor said in Nicosia on Thursday. "If trade restrictions materialise, the result could be inflation, recession or worse, stagflation." He said that while there was room to continue reducing borrowing costs, it should be done "a...

2024-11-21 23:27:52

欧洲央行管委Christodoulos Patsalides警告说,如果美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普兑现他威胁的贸易关税,欧洲经济可能最终会陷入滞胀。“贸易紧张局势正在加剧,”这位塞浦路斯央行行长周四在尼科西亚说。“如果贸易限制成为现实,结果可能是通胀、经济衰退,或者更糟的是滞胀。”他表示,尽管有继续降低借贷成本的空间,但应该“以稳定的速度和幅度”进行。

2024-11-21 23:27:52